Back In Town

I hope you all enjoyed your holidays! I had a great time during mine, visiting with friends and family. Food Waste Friday will, of course, resume this week for me.

When I came home, P had purchased and set up a new pantry rack for me in place of where my other "main pantry" was (I have a second shelf for baking goods, dried fruit and the like). I was very excited and immediately set to work organising it. I love how the sides are both deep and open, since it allows me to have a perfect view of what canned goods I'm lacking, rather than estimating what's there before I head to the store. And now that the baskets are in place, it's extra organised so I can stay on top of everything (which should help me prevent even more food waste!).


  1. It looks like you conquered the space and storage problem. Happy New Year! I hope 2010 brings you health, happiness and prosperity.

  2. Hey Mary,

    I hope 2010 provides everything you could want for!

    You're right - this new pantry shelf is a wonderful replacement to the one I had before. Now I just need a second one to replace the shelf I use for baking supplies!


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