Sunday Storage

It looks like I've kind of blown off the Sunday Storage thing since like, April. That's not good, and I'm sorry. I don't have a 100% accurate count of what I've used over the last month, but I think I can approximate it for y'all.

I'm down to 48 pounds of pasta, so I think I've been blowing through it more rapidly than I originally thought. This is great, since it puts me on track to get through that at the conclusion of my lease. I've used piles of chick peas and some of the other beans, but I think I've still got a good 15 or so pounds of those left. I think I'm actually not on track for wrapping those up by the time my lease expires. And then there's the bin of dried mushrooms. To be honest, I usually forget they're in there, and as a result they rarely get incorporated into my cooking. I need to work on that. A friend mentioned that sometime we could do some kind of cook-out, and I can bring mushrooms to that so we can make all sorts of creative mushroom-y things. That seems like a lot of fun, and hopefully a way to get rid of at least a pound of the little guys. Slowly I'm running out of all my non-candy making baking supplies. Making very little dent in the candy making stuff though, which tells me I am not making my friends even remotely enough candy right now. Which I'll also work on. Rice I'm doing well with. I was off rice for a little while, but I'm back on it now and that's a good thing since I'm getting through it little by little.

I think overall, I've used up about half of the long-term storage I moved into this apartment with. My goal of course is to use it all up by November 8th, but I think that goal is pretty unrealistic at this point. Perhaps if I ate out a little less, or whatever, it'd be doable. I think it's more reasonable to accept that I am not going to stop eating out and that it'll take me a bit longer to get through all the food. Soon, I believe, I will be able to combine the beans bin with the pasta bin. That'll free up some space in my closet and I'll like that. The mushrooms and tea bins will be emptied eventually, but I understand both of those will take substantially longer to accomplish.

Once I get through it all, I think I'd just like to keep a month or three's worth of food in the house. Plenty for allowing me to skip shopping for a month here and there (like I have been this month), but not so much that it's overwhelming and hard to store in a one bedroom apartment. :)

So that's the update. Not very specific, but gives y'all a general sense of where things are on the storage front.


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