Pea Shoots and Orange Salad

I had some pea shoots, which I normally like to use for garnishing things. But I had a lot of them, so it seemed good to make them into a salad since I generally think they're a bit too delicate for cooked applications. It's a good snack, and if you wanted you could still use this salad as a garnish. Hope you enjoy!

3 ounces pea shoots
1 orange, supremed
1/2 teaspoon whole grain mustard
salt to taste
1-2 tablespoons each: olive oil, burgundy vinegar (red wine vinegar is a fine substitute)

Whisk together the vinegar, salt and mustard, then stream in the oil while whisking. Fold into the orange segments and pea shoots. Chill and serve. Serves 2-4.

My camera still isn't participating in my life, so no pictures. Sorry guys.


  1. This is probably a stupid question that I could google, but what does one do to "supreme" an orange?

    Otherwise it sounds tasty!

  2. Oh! You cut the rind off, and then you cut out each section from between the membranes. Here's a video of the process:


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