Oh, and rice

I want to thank Thip for her recipe for Thai sticky rice with mango. While it is true that I overcooked the rice, the flavour of the rice was amazing. I don't possess a rice cooker, nor did I bring my bamboo steamer to Houston when I moved here, so I've still got to play with it until I get cooking glutinous rice in a pot down. Although rice is the staple food in my home, I'd never purchased glutinous rice until recently. We usually have long-grain basamati (our every day rice), medium grain, short Bhutanese red rice, short-grain chinese black rice, jasmine rice, wild rice and regular brown rice at any given point, but glutinous rice had never appeared. I'm not sure why.

I do know, however, that we gorged ourselves on that meal. First a vegetable and black bean stir fry with regular basamati (we probably eat this every week, though sometimes with meat), then the sticky rice. I think we each ate about 3 cups of rice.

Anyway, thanks for the recipe.


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