Saturday Spending

Okay, this is kind of weird. I'd written up my Saturday post, and then I threw the receipt away. But Blogger appears to have eaten the post, so I don't really know what to say about all of that. As a result, this post is going to be really incomplete, but I'll do the best that my absent-minded brain can.


total spending: $18.36, comprised of (that I can remember):

1 large apple
1 large navel orange
1 multi-pack chips (22 of the little bags. I know, I know)
2 cans coconut juice
triscuits (after all, a whole jar of banana peppers was lying about, so....)
3 packages of ramen
3 cans tomato sauce
head of garlic

some other stuff I've now forgotten.


  1. Chips, triscuts, *and* ramen? Total junk-food shopping envy!

  2. I know, it was a lot of junk food. I did actually buy healthy food too, I just can't remember what it all was. :)


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