Grilled Avocado, Tomato and Cheese Sandwich

As promised, another sandwich. This one is veggie friendly.

2 slices bread
olive oil or whatever you like on the outside
1 slice cheese
2-4 slices tomato (I sliced mine very thinly)
1/2 avocado, sliced
mustard (optional)
salt and pepper to taste

Coat the outsides of both sides of bread with oil of choice, ad the insides with mustard if you're using it. Layer cheese, then tomato, then seasonings, the avocado, then seasonings, then last piece of bread. Grill in whatever manner you like to use. Serves 1.


  1. looks gross but sounds yummy. I think it's the way the avocado is kinda dripping out of the sammich. sneaky avocado, trying to make itself look gross. Total fail. No matter how gross avocado looks, as long as it's ripe, it tastes great.

  2. Yeah, it did look gross. The avocado kept trying to sneak out of the sandwich to avoid being eaten, too. Not very polite of it!

  3. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I'd eat it!

  4. That was one of my favourites, Aug. It looked disgusting but it sure did taste good.


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