Lox Deviled Eggs

I had some lox leftover from P's most recent camping trip, but this time I knew it was in the fridge before it went bad. I don't have any bagels and I really don't have time to make any (this new class has a truly extraordinary amount of reading in it, plus projects and papers). Plus, I'm trying to do that whole, "don't go to the store" thing so I didn't buy any. But it was still there, in front of the orange juice where I'd have to see it, staring at me (in as much as something that has no eyes can stare at a person). So I decided that since I somehow wound up with almost 2 dozen eggs, I should use up some of those with the lox. Enter deviled eggs. Hope you enjoy!

2 ounces lox
11 large eggs, hard boiled
1 teaspoon dill
1 tablespoon capers, rinsed
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
salt and pepper to taste

Slice eggs in half. In food processor, combine the severely deformed whole eggs and all the remaining yolks, plus all the remaining ingredients. Puree in the processor. Pipe or spoon (I'm a spooner, myself, most of the time) the mixture back into the egg white halves. Makes 15-20.

Well, my camera and I just have an incredible talent for making perfectly good food look gross, don't we?


  1. We have an Einstein's Bagels at the school. The employees occasionally wear lox & bagels T-shirts and everything. And yet, you would not believe how hard it is to get a lox & bagel in that place!

    Their official franchise, read it from the cheat sheet recipe calls for some capers & tomato & onion as well as the lox & cream cheese. Sometimes they are out of lox & sometimes they are out of capers.

    I suppose that people don't ask for it so they just don't bother. I guess lox & bagel simply isn't big in the Midwest. When they are only out of capers I tell them to go ahead and fix it anyway.

  2. Yeah, good, proper lox and bagels can be tough to find. I feel ya'.


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