Grapefruit Curd

I managed to keep some grapefruits alive and well since... well, since they were in season. I accepted it was time to enjoy them, but I didn't want to just sit down and eat them. I wanted to make something more fun and delicious out of them, and it seemed to me that making a curd was the way to go with it. Plus, I could use that curd with those frozen blueberries and make some nice tarts out of them. That seemed really exciting to me! The upside of making curds is that when you have a lot of citrus, you can just make that and you can have some for now and save some for later. Which is what I did. It cans easily and isn't a lot of work to make, either. Hope you enjoy!

16 ounces freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
2-3 tablespoons finely grated zest
2 cups sugar
8 eggs
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
16 tablespoons (1 cup) butter, cut into 1 tablespoon bits

Whisk all but butter into a saucepan. Begin to heat over medium low heat and add all the butter. Whisking periodically, cook until the whisk marks stay in the curd. Pack into sterilised jars (or you can just put this in a jar and put it in the fridge, if you don't want to can it) and process 15 minutes. Makes about 4 cups.

Mine came out looking really, really bizarre, so in lieu of taking a picture, I am just going to recycle a picture of another curd I've made (except this one is pinkish and not yellowish). :)


  1. For some reason I'm not familiar... What does curd taste like?

  2. Curd is kind of like pudding, except not. This one tastes like grapefruit, though the most common curd available for purchase is lemon. You can use curd for lots of things, like pie filling, out of the jar with a spoon, on toast, biscuits or scones, etc. My curd came up unusually granular, which means I did something wrong while I was making it. It didn't affect the flavour at all, but it made it not pretty (hence my use of a picture from a previous curd I've made).

    Here's a link to explain it better:


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