Stewed Vegetable with Shrimp

While I was muscling a second turkey into my freezer (turkey is on sale for 39 cents a pound right now, so... you know how it is), I noticed a half pound of locally... uh...harvested? Caught? Whatever. A half pound of locally obtained shrimps I'd purchased at the farmer's market a month or so ago and stuffed in the freezer for later. Sometimes I don't know what's in my freezer (I also discovered 3 pounds of ground meat I didn't know I had, which is perfect since I need to make more meat sauce soon). Additionally, I had some zucchini left from our last trip to the farmer's market. So I figured I'd stew it. And then eat it, of course. This was really simple to make. I hope you enjoy!

shells and tails from 1/2-1 pound of shrimp
2 cups water
6 peppercorns
1 teaspoon salt

1 can stewed tomatoes
1 1/2 zucchinis, cut into 3/8" half-moons
1 teaspoon each: dry basil, sumac
1/2 teaspoon salt
1-2 tablespoons shrimp broth
1 1/2 cups chicken broth
1/2 pound large shrimp, peeled and deveined
1/2 pound fettucini

Combine first group of ingredients in a small pan and simmer for a half hour to an hour. Strain. I never actually use the whole amount because like with clam juice, a little goes a long way. So the amount above what I needed for this recipe went into an ice cube tray. I freeze it in 1 tablespoon cubes (then store it in a zipper bag) so I have it to use later when I just need a little extra something in a recipe.

Combine can of tomatoes, zucchini, basil, sumac, shrimp broth, salt, and chicken broth. Let it simmer over medium-low to medium for 1/2 hour to an hour (or you can just make the shrimp broth at the same time this is cooking, and add the broth in at the end. That's okay too, if you aren't home starting to get ready for finals while you do this). When the zucchini is tender, cook the fettucini according to package directions. Add the shrimp to the tomato mixture (while the pasta is cooking) and cook through. My shrimp were pretty big so they took about 6 minutes to cook, I believe. Drain pasta and plate, then top with tomato-shrimp mixture. Serves 2.


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