Beet Stems and Black Beans

In keeping with my bergamot theme (the rest of you should use the juice from either lemon or Seville orange), I bring you these stems. If you are not of the mindset to save the stems of your bunches of beets, rhubarb would be an acceptable substitute, though you will want to reduce the citrus by half. Enjoy!

1 tablespoon each: olive and vegetable oil
1 small sprig dill
2 cups beet stems, cut into 2" strips
3 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
4 radishes sliced thickly
1 sliced carrot
1 cup cooked black beans (I do them from dry and cook them w/ a bay leaf)
salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons bergamot juice

Add dill and oils to a small pan. Heat over very low heat and allow to infuse for 20 or so minutes. Remove dill and discard. Add all remaining except beans and bergamot juice and cook over medium or medium-low heat until somewhat softer. Add citrus and beans and cook the rest of the way through. Serves 2 (as a side).


  1. This looks really interesting! I'm tempted.

  2. Mary,

    It's different, but I really enjoy the beet stems. You jsut have to make sure you cook them until they're soft or they can be very woody.


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