Garden Stew

Or at least, this would be a stew from my garden if I had a garden that grew more than just chives and parsley. From my dream garden, I'd make this. Instead, I bought this stuff from the farmer's market, where it came from someone else's "garden." Mostly, anyway. I've also resigned myself to the inability to make a small pot of soup or stew so I've just gone with it and intent to can the remainder tomorrow or the next day. Enjoy!

Oh, by the way, this is awesome with freshly made bread.

1/3 cup wild rice, presoaked in 2 cups of water (or not presoaked, with 2 cups extra water added to the pot)
8 ounces fresh button mushrooms (or 1/3 cup dried of your choice)
3 carrots
2 red potatoes
5 sliced cloves of garlic
2 small turnips
2 cups celery chunks
2 ichiban eggplants
2 yellow squash
3 cups rough chopped turnip greens (or greens of your choice)
1 yellow onion
large handful okra
1 bay leaf
2 cups water
1 15-ounce can each: stewed tomatoes, diced tomatoes (liquid included in stew)
1-2 tablespoons salt
2 cups cooked kidney beans

Chop up all the vegetables into large pieces. I wanted this to be fairly rustic, so I just sliced the squash and eggplant thickly and cut everything else into big chunks. Toss it all into a big pot and simmer for a few hours with the lid on, until the liquid has risen and the vegetables are all cooked through (for me, it was about 3 or so hours). Serves 6-8.


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