
I got this recipe from my good friend and "nephew" Y, who lives in Haifa. This is, hands down, my favourite dolma recipe, and the one that ruins most other dolma for me. They take a couple hours to make if you're doing it solo, so just be sure to reserve enough time for them. Or even better, get a friend to help with the rolling and it'll go more quickly! Enjoy!

I use pickled grape leaves, and I've found this recipe makes closer to 100 units than 50, so I just buy the larger jar of leaves.

Around 80 young and fresh (pickled is also an option)
5-6 tablespoons of olive/corn/sunflower oil, divided
2 chopped onions
100gr of pine nuts or sunflower seeds
1.5 cups of washed and then dried rice
1 teaspoon of salt
3 tablespoons of chopped mint leaves
1/4 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon of sweet or spicy paprika
1-2 lemons
1.5 cups of water

The recipe is for 50 units.

If you have used pickled vine leaves, then the leaves should be soaked 10-20 minutes in large bowl of water and then thoroughly rinsed to remove any excess salt.

To prepare the stuffing -

Fry the onions in 3 tablespoons of oil until they turn golden. Add
In the pine cones or sunflower seeds and continue frying for an additional
2 minutes. Mix with the rice and take off the stove. Add salt, mint
leaves, black pepper, paprika and the juice from half a lemon. Mix.

Cut off the vine leaves's stems. Take a wide and shallow pot and cover its bottom with the largest leaves. Now, you prepare your stuffed leaves - you take the vine leaves and place them with their shiny side down, put a teaspoon of the feeling on the side that is close to the stem, fold on the sides and role until it is tight and solid where the shiny side of the leaves is facing the outside. You should get about 50 units or so.

Arrange the stuffed leaves in the pot in about to squeezed layers
And again cover with whole vine leaves. Boil in a frying pan the water with
juice from half a lemon, a tiny amount of paprika and about 2-3 tablespoons of oil. Pour the liquids into the pot until they reach the height of the rolled leaves. Cover the pot and warm on a medium flame. Boil for 20-30 minutes.

Turn the fire off and leave the pot covered for at least another 30 minutes at which point you can add more lemon juice if you wish. Serve warm or cold.


  1. Dolma are fun to make and these sound good.

  2. Wow, this is a VERY delayed response, but thank you! They're really excellent. Better made in groups than solo, but delicious nonetheless.


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