Tomato and Bulghur Soup

It was kind of chilly, and I wanted soup. Plus, I wanted to use some of the bulghur I have for something other than tabouleh or mujadarra. It's a pretty easy recipe, taking about an hour to make (and most of that is just letting it sit there while you wander off and get the laundry done). It's also got a clean, fresh taste with just a hint of spice. Hope you enjoy!

1 tablespoon each: butter (I used samneh here, but whatever), olive oil
1/4 onion, sliced
1/2 teaspoon salt
splash rosemary vinegar (to make this, stick some rosemary sprigs in some vinegar and let it sit at room temperature a couple weeks)
1 teaspoon each: minced garlic, sumac, marjoram
1 15-ounce can stewed tomatoes, cut up a bit in the can
dash cinnamon
1 14-ounce can chicken broth (use vegetable broth if you want this to be vegetarian)
1 8-ounce can tomato sauce
1 large handful bulghur (or 2 if you have baby hands like I do)
1 teaspoon salt

Melt the butter in the oil over medium-low, then add the onions and half teaspoon salt. Let cook 10 minutes. Add the splash of vinegar, sumac, garlic and marjoram and cook another 5 minutes. Then add the remaining ingredients and simmer 30-45 minutes. Serves 2-4.


  1. That's got a lot of stuff in it, but really, it looks super easy. Is the sumac 100% needed, or do you think it could be swapped out for lemon juice. I admit I haven't ordered the sumac yet. I'm getting to it.

  2. You could totally use lemon juice, j. I actually almost DID use lemon juice. I just happened to be in the spice cabinet before I was in the fridge so it wound up being sumac instead. It was really easy, though. I'll definitely be making this soup many times.


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