Pasta with Clams

You guys remember Presto Pasta Nights? It's one of my favourite challenges, because it's so non-restrictive. The best challenges for me are the ones that leave you free to be as creative as you like. So this here (I have no idea why I wanted to say "so this here," but I just really wanted to) is my submission for the week (I know; it's been a while since I last did it). PPN is being hosted this week by Rachel at The Crispy Cook. She's got some tasty-looking stuff over there, so y'all should go check her out.

So, you know those little pastas? The stars, and the ones that look like rice, and the mini-wheels? I really love those pastas. How I most love to make them, though, is like they're risotto. It's a lot faster and everything gets done in one frying pan. Which basically means a lot less dishes for me (especially when I just eat it while it's still in the pan). Anyway, I have a couple cans of clams, so I figured I'd use one for this since mostly the only other thing I use canned clams for is stuffed mushrooms. Plus, Aleister was able to eat/drink the broth for a nice kitty treat. It's an easy meal that easily can be made in a half hour. Hope you enjoy!

1 pound little pasta (I used stars)
1 can clams, drained (you can use the broth if you like, but I like to give it to the cat)
3 cups (ish) chicken broth
1/4 onion
1 teaspoon minced garlic
4 diced sun-dried tomatoes
1/2 preserved lemon, diced
1/2 teaspoon harissa or other hot sauce
salt and pepper as needed
1 tablespoon olive oil

Heat the oil and harissa in a pan, then add the onion (season here). Set the heat to low and cook the onions until the house smells like hash browns. Add the garlic and pasta, and fry another minute or two (season here). Add in the tomatoes, lemon and clams, then start adding broth 1 cup at a time. Stir frequently and add more broth as needed until the pasta is done cooking (about 6 minutes). Serves 2-4.


  1. A celestial recipe for your pasta stars! Thanks for sending it over to Presto Pasta Nights this week.

  2. Thanks, Rachel! And thanks for hosting PPN this week!

  3. Now that's what I call "easy cooking"! I'm drooling for some and it's just 7:00 am! Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.

  4. Just wanted to let you know that the Presto Pasta Nights #193 roundup is now posted. Thanks for sending in your Pasta With Clams recipe.

  5. Ruth,

    Thanks so much!

    Thanks, Rachel, for hosting. I enjoyed seeing the round up!

  6. What a terrific combination of flavors. I want to try those little stars with some clams too.

  7. Claudia,

    I hope you enjoy the stars! They're so fast it's just a wonderful weekday meal for me.


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