Guest Spending

Well, it seemed to me that cooking toward the end of the time I'd be here wouldn't be very sound. Mainly because it meant I'd be saddling the friend who's caring for my house and "kids" with some leftovers she may or may not want. Didn't seem fair. So instead, I cooked enough food on Monday to last a couple days and decided to rely on pita roll-ups for the remainder of my dietary needs.

And so, that brings me to the purpose of this post. Since I obviously wasn't cooking anything, I really wasn't spending any money, either. Or was I?

Well, as it turns out, I was. I was spending money stocking up on things for my friend! She didn't really want much; just some Dr. Pepper and pasta sauce. I felt like maybe that wasn't enough, so I got some other things too. A lot of other things. I also made sure that I got enough for more than just her, since she mentioned she might have her brother come over to play rough with Francis. Playing rough is hard work, so I think he should be fed too. :)

Here's what I spent:

Dr. Pepper (12 pack cans) - $4.38
Pasta sauce (5 jars) - $9.60 (wow. Now I know why I usually make it myself)
Chips (you have no idea how hard it is not to eat these) - $4.48 (2 bags)
Pretzels and crackers (see temptation above) - $5.46 (1 bag, 3 boxes)
Meat - $3.35 (hamburger and chorizo)
Cheese - $5.86 (parmesan and string cheese)
Pasta (this sounds weird, but I got the shapes I didn't already have) - $5.28 (6 kinds)
Mangoes - $1.00 (they were 2/$1)
Salsa - $1.72
Coffee creamer - $3.18

So, with tax ($0.36), the total came out to $44.67.


  1. Yeah, I'm not complaining about the spent money in the slightest. I'm glad to be able to make sure she's comfortable while she's here.

    I was surprised by how much processed food costs though. I didn't remember it being so expensive. People who say poor people can only afford to eat processed foods are liars who've never followed a strict food budget.

  2. I think what they mean when they say that is "poor people who don't make time or have cooking skills" eat crap. I'd get like $170 a month if i had food stamps. Do you have any idea how much *really good* stuff I could get with that? Or processed? I could have my dream junk food every day, every month.

    Still, $45 isn't bad for a pet sitter. Do you pay her too?

  3. Oh, man. If I had $170 a month in food stamps, I would be the queen of chips and fresca. And vitamin water. And scallops. I might eat scallops and tuna steak once a week each. And maybe real steak too. Since you're not allowed to use food stamps at restaurants. My understanding is that in some areas, if you don't use all your food stamp money (+/- a bit), then you can lose your benefits. I could see that inspiring people to eat a lot of processed stuff, since it's easy to use up the money that way. But yeah, I totally know what you mean about how much good stuff you could get with that. I feel like my weekly budget is kind of limiting, but yours is even smaller.

    No, she didn't want any money (she's a friend of mine), but did agree to take some gas money. She works in another (adjacent) city, so getting to work and back is going to be very gas-heavy for her. I figure if someone isn't getting paid to watch your kids and house for you, you should definitely make sure they have all the junk food and other foods they could possibly want (but secretly I am hoping there're some chips leftover for when I get back, which I bet you already knew). I'm just really thankful that someone I trust can stay with the kids so I don't have to board Francis and give Aleister a few days of alone time.

    Mainly I posted about what I spent because I'm trying to keep a log of everything I spend on food for the summer. Even though this isn't food for me, it's still food I'm buying so I felt like I should include it. I did find it interesting, though not at all surprising, that I happily will shell out WAY more money to feed other people than I'll spend to feed myself. And of course, she knows she's welcome to any other food in the house (and I put out and labeled a jar of vanilla sugar for her to use with her coffee). And I made her a bergamot pie, since that pie is the ultimate "thank you" I can offer a person.

    When I saw the mangoes were 2/$1 at Wal-Mart, I totally thought of you. Also when I looked at the avocados (which I didn't get because I don't know if she likes them, but only a crazy person would have mangoes in the house and not scarf them down).

  4. Deff. better to have someone you know over to watch your fur-kids.

    Interesting point about being willing to pay more on food for other people than you spend on yourself. I think it's a continuation of the "eat your mistakes" thing. Like somehow other people deserve better food maybe?

    mmmm, mangos.

  5. I don't know if I think that other people deserve better food, per se, but I know that I can cook really good food on a tiny budget. I don't always feel so confident about other people being able to. I do know she doesn't cook a lot, tohugh.

    Yeah, they were super on sale, which was exciting.


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