Saturday Spending

We barely bought anything this week, which is good. Although the cheese is mostly gone... I've realised I still have some stuff in my freezer that I'd like to get through at some point, so I've been focusing again on food storage this week. This is good, although since, as you know, I'm mainly down to base staples, there's mostly me making a lot of stuff I've made before and Ross eating it all. It's nice to have a garbage disposal built into a husband. Sometimes, when we have a lot of leftovers I just line them up on the counter and ask him to make sure they've all been eaten before the day is concluded. Invariably, they ARE all eaten. It's impressive. But, I digress. On to the spending.


$2.09 - milk
$0.25 - onion
$3.25 - orange juice

total: $5.59

Not a bad week at all.

I'm considering, to sporadically replace the Sunday Storage posts, doing Sunday Stories. I don't think I'll do this weekly, since my work load with school is a little too high for me to definitively commit to writing out a story each week. But perhaps sometimes. The basic premise of this idea is that on certain Sundays, the post will not be a recipe but instead will be a story about food that I remember, and that influenced my food thinking. Thoughts on this idea?


  1. Only one onion? For a whole week? How?

  2. Oh, you're silly. I had two onions already, so I only needed one more since we usually use a tiny onion (or a half a regular one, or a quarter of a huge one) per recipe. Sometimes more, but...

  3. Thhank you for writing this


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