Saturday Spending

You all will be a bit surprised by this, but all that time I wasn't posting I was thinking about y'all enough to save my receipts. So this post is going to be a bit of a long one, since there're simply too many receipts for me to combine them (and they won't be in chronological order). I'm not even really sure how we did on spending, though I suppose we're about to find out.

Kroger (12/14/11):

$1.84 - 2 pounds spaghetti noodles
$10.92 - 5 pound bone in ham
$1.64 - flour
$15.08 - 4 pound chuck roast (for chili)
$0.99 - pepper
$6.79 - sugar (I want to say this was a 20 pound bag)
$5.93 - 9 cans canned tomatoes
$4.00 - cheeses
$4.69 - oatmeal
$1.24 - tomatillos
$0.26 - jalepenos
$0.66 - poblanos
$0.57 - anaheims
$1.36 - wax peppers
$0.80 - banana peppers
$0.07 - habeneros
$0.07 - serranos
$1.99 - macadamia nuts
$2.50 - butter
$1.79 - soy sauce
$1.15 - tomatoes, canned
$2.17 - fresh tomatoes
$3.83 - cherries
$2.50 - salsa

subtotal: $72.84
total: $72.84

Phoenicia (11/30/11):

$18.99 - 3 litres olive oil

subtotal: $18.99
total: $91.83

Fiesta (12/07/11):

$2.53 - eggs, 18

subtotal: $2.53
total: $94.36

Fiesta (01/01/12)

$2.99 - flour
$2.19 - eggs
$2.78 - tomatoes
$2.49 - cheddar
$10.86 - 4 pound bottom roast (chili again)
$0.21 - jalapeno
$1.00 - bell pepper
$0.98 - tomatillo
$0.74 - poblano
$2.36 - 4 cans pinto beans (I totally forgot to make beans in preparation of this)
$1.18 - tomato sauce
$0.89 - sour cream
$1.49 - 5 bulbs garlic
$0.04 - serrano peppers
$0.10 - habaneros
$0.69 - hominy

subtotal: $30.99
total: $125.35

Kroger (12/28/11):

$3.49 - string cheese
$2.99 - blueberries

subtotal: $6.48
total: $131.83

HEB (12/05/11):

$4.38 - cheese
$4.38 - more cheese
$3.96 - pork and venison sausage
$3.59 - whole wheat flour
$3.59 - bread flour

subtotal: $19.90
total: $151.73

Fiesta (1/9/12):

$2.09 - milk
$1.39 - whipping cream
$3.99 - cheese
$2.29 - more cheese
$3.29 - salt pork
$0.50 - cucumber
$0.55 - zucchini
$2.00 - apples
$1.21 - brussels sprouts
$3.49 - peanut butter
$3.49 - more cheese
$3.29 - bread flour
$1.39 - canned chili (I was a little afraid to see if Ross was really going to cut up hot dogs and put them in this, but let's not discuss it further)
$1.55 - spaghetti squash
$1.17 - 3 avocados
$0.33 - red onion
$0.33 - roma tomato
$0.63 - sweet potato
$0.99 - celery
$1.01 - eggplant

subtotal: $34.98
total: $186.71

Ah. I'm glad to see it's not nearly as bad as I thought it might be. I don't trust this as being the be-all, end-all of my shopping though, because I know there's no way I haven't told you guys about my grocery shopping in nearly 2 months and that's all the bread flour we needed. So I'd say let's add in another $10 for bread flour that was purchased without me receiving the receipts, and let's go ahead and add in another $25 in groceries that didn't get accounted for as well. I think that's probably a little on the high end, but I'd rather estimate high than low. So that adds another $35 to our total, for a grand total of $221.71. All in all, that's really not too bad at all. It's still a little higher than I'd like to see, but we've been good regarding food waste and I don't feel like the pantry is terribly overstuffed so I think we're okay there too. How's this been going for y'all?


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