Cheesy Pasta

This is basically macaroni and cheese, except.. not. The stilton has a strong flavour, which is a little different from the normal mac 'n cheese. I also like this with cubed chicken breast in it. The first time I made it, I made it with a friend's kid (who was 6 or 7 at the time). I didn't think she'd eat it, but since I'd had her grind the pistachio's with a mortar and pestle, she was emotionally invested enough to consume the food. And really, that was all I looked for, since I never really know what to do w/ children (other than giving them back to their parents).

2 tablespoons ground pistachio nuts
.5 cups finely grated stilton
2 cups small pasta shells
Salt and pepper to taste
1 clove garlic, pureed

Cook pasta shells for 6 minutes in boiling water. Add remaining ingredients and stir until cheese is melted. Serves 1-2.


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