Cherry Oatmeal

Astra at Food for Laughter made a post recently about almond milk oatmeal, that became of sudden interest to me when I had a lot of leftover almond milk from making the flan over Passover. I've never really been a fan of oatmeal, for purely textural reasons, but I've been hearing lately that using steel cut oats is a a good alternative for people who don't like the texture of regular oatmeal. I figured it was worth a shot, since I'd really like to enjoy oatmeal (primarily since it keeps you full through a long day, and doesn't cost much). The people who talked about the steel cut were right - it was delicious! I will spare you all the photo, since we all know oatmeal really just looks like vomit. Enjoy!

3 cups almond milk (or water or regular milk)
1/2 cup steel cut oats
1/2 cup dried cherries
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder
pinch freshly grated nutmeg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/3 cup brown sugar

Bring the milk to a boil, then add in oats, cherries, cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir to combine, and cook according to package directions (my package said to cook 25-30 minutes, but I found it was actually closer to 45), stirring occasionally. When the oatmeal is close to done, add in the brown sugar and vanilla. Cook until done. Serves 2.


  1. Thanks, Bridget! I'm glad you guys enjoyed the oatmeal so much! I haven't been to that site before, but I'll definitely check it out - thanks for the recommendation. :)


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