Chicken and Acorn Squash Tagine

I had some chicken, and some acorn squash. I also had a bag of ras eh-hanout that had been sent to me by my friend Warda. I wanted to use them in some way, so I decided to do a tagine. Technically, this isn't really a tagine, since I used a different pan, but we'll all pretend anyway. I really enjoyed this meal, and I hope you all enjoy it as well!

2 stalks celery, chopped
1/2 red bell pepper, chopped
1/2 onion, chopped
1 tablespoon olive oil
pinch ras el-hanout
2 tablespoons tomato paste
1 tablespoon harissa

2 chicken breasts, cut into 2" pieces
1 small acorn squash, peeled, deseeded and roughly chopped
1 tablespoon ras el-hanout
1/2 cup olives
1 preserved lemon, chopped
1 can chicken broth

Heat oven to 350F. Fry the celery, bell pepper, onion in the oil, ras el-hanout, tomato paste and harissa. Add to tagine. Rub remaining ras el-hanout into chicken and squash, then add those and all remaining ingredients to the tagine. Cover and bake for one hour. Serves 4.


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