Saturday Spending

Well, I finally made it to the store. I'm so proud. And I didn't just buy snacks, but actually got stuff people other than myself might consider to be food (so like, not just pickles basically). I'm not entirely convinced yet that I like the monthly budget as opposed to the weekly, but I'll try it during May also. Here's what I got at the store:


$2.99 - garlic juice
$4.69 - garlic powder (strange I was out of this)
$3.99 - milk (seriously, milk people. Is it necessary to charge so much for so little?)
$2.49 - kalamata olives
$2.99 - orange juice
$1.72 - salsa
$8.99 - 4 pounds chicken breast
$2.77 - 1 pound butter
$2.39 - coconut milk (which I mixed w/ some fried veggies, chicken and a can of Thai curry paste)
$1.50 - banana peppers :)
$1.94 - sugar (can y'all believe I nearly ran out of white sugar?)
$1.34 - coconut and pineapple juice
$2.28 - 4 cans of tomatoes
$3.00 - 2 cans of anchovies
$1.29 - fresh tomatoes
$2.00 - oranges
$0.99 - celery
$2.12 - acorn squash
$0.98 - cucumber
$1.04 - sweet potato

total: $51.50
total for April: $114.70
total remaining for April: $5.30


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