Bacon Fried Rice

Ok, so there's no picture of this (and in honesty, you might not want to see it anyway, without being able to smell it. It wasn't the prettiest food, though it tastes amazing). I had only 3 slices of bacon left when P got back from Brazil, and we both wanted bacon one morning (and didn't want to go to the store to get more). So, with three slices in the house, we couldn't have bacon and eggs, bacon and matzo brei, bacon and... well, anything. How to equitably divide it?

Then I remembered the rice in the fridge. And I remembered my former roommate from Holland, and the lovely Indonesian-inspired curries he'd make us (and oh how I miss them). And then I remembered reading it's common to eat fried rice for breakfast in Indonesia, and I could then see how we could both eat bacon, without anyone feeling they didn't get enough bacon. This is important, as any bacon eater can tell you.

It wasn't especially pretty, but it was delicious. Here you go:

2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 small butter potato, sliced thinly
3 slices of thick-cut bacon, chopped
pepper to taste
2 cups leftover rice
splash each: soy sauce, lemon juice
sprinkle of paprika and ground fenugreek seed
1 egg
1/4 cup each: palm heart slices and tomato sticks

Heat the oils in a pan. Add potato and cook over lowish heat while bacon thaws (unless you're a planner, unlike me, and already have your bacon thawed, in which case just cook it for a little while anyway). Add bacon and pepper, and cook until bacon is done-ish. Add rice, paprika, fenugreek, lemon and soy sauce and fry for about 10 minutes. Push everything in the pan into a ring around the edge of the pan, then put the egg in the middle. As it cooks, start mixing the rice and such in. When fully combined, add in the tomato and palm heart and cook another 2 minutes. Serves 2.


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