Corn and Black Bean Spring Rolls

I think I've been a little out of control with the black beans lately. I'm eating them all the time, and excepting the latest eggplant, it's been a while since I last posted a recipe that didn't contain them. All that being said, I still had a 1-cup portion defrosted in the fridge. Originally I'd planned to make a simple black bean and corn salad, but then I thought about how lovely it'd be to have spring rolls and I decided to make spring rolls using the beans instead. I cooked up a huge batch of white beans so, despite still having plenty of black beans in the freezer, I should be able to lay off them a bit so we don't all tire of the beans. Enjoy!

1 cup cooked black beans
water or bean cooking liquid
8 ounces cooked corn (I used one of those mini cans of yellow corn and had a tablespoon or two of corn leftover at the end)

2/3 cup grated carrot
generous pinch each: salt, sugar
2 tablespoons rice vinegar

2 teaspoons sesame oil
1 teaspoon rice vinegar
5 ounces rice vermicelli (or whatever sticks you use for spring rolls)
8 rice or tapioca sheets

Puree black beans, using enough water or cooking liquid to get them to a nice paste consistency. Combine the carrots, salt, sugar and 2 tablespoons vinegar and allow to sit at room temperature for 30 minutes before draining. Boil water and add noodles to it. Cook until soft, about 5 minutes (give or take, based on your preference and the type of vermicelli you bought). Rinse with cold water, then add remaining rice vinegar (1 teaspoon) and sesame oil to the noodles. Soak each tapioca sheet in hot water for about 10 seconds, or until soft. Spread a line of bean paste along the middle, then add corn, carrot pickle and noodles. Don't be like me. Resist the urge to overfill them, otherwise you'll break the paper and have to roll your broken spring roll into a second sheet. Roll like a burrito. I put them on a plate that's been lined with a damp paper towel. Makes 8. Serve with sauce.


2 tablespoons peanut butter
1 teaspoon each: hoisin, soy sauce, rice vinegar, sesame oil
1/2 teaspoon honey
1/8 teaspoon each (or to taste): fish sauce, sriracha

Whisk together. Thin with water until it reaches the desired consistency.


  1. You're a clever gal. These look quite tasty and the combination should work well together.

  2. Thanks, Mary. They're working out as a great snack between meals.

  3. They do look very tasty. I am tempted to try a version too. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Thanks, mangocheeks! I like to experiment with different things to put in spring roll wrappers. Finger foods make me happy.


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