Roast Vegetables with Forbidden Rice

I'd been snacking on leblebi all day, when I discovered some veggies in the fridge that needed to be used. Normally I'd put these with pasta, but I've been trying to remember that I have a pile of forbidden rice that we never eat. So here it is. Hope you enjoy!


1 bunch asparagus, trimmed then cut in half
3/4 cup radish slices
6 brussels sprouts, trimmed and cut in half
1 leek, trimmed and cut into 1" half moons
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground galangal or ginger


1 cup forbidden rice
1 1/4 cups water
pinch salt

Preheat oven to 400F. Combine all the ingredients in the veggies section and stir well to combine. Turn onto a sheet pan (I cover mine with foil to make clean up faster) and roast for 30 minutes to an hour; until done. Combine rice, water and salt in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil then cover, reduce heat to low and cook 10 minutes. Do not uncover and let sit another 15 minutes. Fluff with a fork (if you have a bit of extra liquid, just drain it off). Serves 2-3.


  1. Chile,

    I've mainly seen it for sale at places like Whole Foods, though Amazon sells it as well.

    Your combination sounds wonderful also - it's funny how the need to clear out the veggie drawer results in some amazing dinners!


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