Puttanesca Meatloaf

This is a two-in-one meal, as you can make the sauce and eat the remainder of it with pasta (or as sauce for pizza; you can also freeze the leftover sauce for a future meal). In general, I am not a huge fan of meatloaf. Mostly because people tend to put the onions in raw, and the flavor of ground meat and onions that cooked together icks me out. Ross, however, has been asking me for the last few weeks to make him a meatloaf. Specifically, a meatloaf topped with puttanesca sauce in lieu of the more typical ketchup or tomato sauce topping. I stalled on this, because I had some trouble figuring out how I would make this so it wouldn't seem gross to me. I needn't have worried, though: Ross ate almost the entire thing in two sittings.

As it's summer here, I try to make all oven items early in the morning or later at night so it doesn't overheat out house. I made this last night for him, and we were intended to have it tonight for dinner. As soon as it came out of the oven, he ate 3/4 of it. I gave a smaller slice to the Piggy for breakfast (because I'm lazy and it was 7:30am), and then he ate the rest for lunch in sandwiches. I have no idea what it tastes like, but apparently it's good. Hope you enjoy!

2 tablespoons butter
1/2 onion, diced
salt to taste

1 pound ground beef
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 teaspoon each: dried mint, dried parsley, dried basil, paprika, sumac (you can replace the sumac with lemon peel)
1/2 teaspoon each: thyme, marjoram
1 large handful (probably 1/3-1/2 cup) panko
1/2 cup corn kernels (mine were roasted, but yours don't have to be)

1 egg

1 teaspoon vegetable oil

1 - 1 1/2 cups puttanesca sauce

 Heat oven to 350. Melt butter in small skillet over medium, then add onions and salt. Fry onions until well-browned. Combine onions, beef, spices, panko, and corn. Knead well until everything is completely incorporated, then knead in egg. Oil loaf pan with the vegetable oil, then put the meat mixture in the pan, smoothing out the top. Spread sauce over the top, then bake for 1 hour. Let sit 5-10 minutes before eating. Serves 1-4, depending on appetite.


  1. What an interesting take on meatloaf. I don't like puttanesca, but I could see it being good. :P

  2. Dang. Google ate my comment.

    You and I are inverse on this, since I don't like meatloaf but love puttanesca. I think, though, marinara or similar might work out? As near as I can tell, he was looking to avoid the sweetness of the typical meatloaf topping, so I'd think really any kind of savory sauce would be fine.


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